Danao City Kasahos and Bohol Kusahos: Just A Vowel Different

Amazing how life would remind us of so many things in the past through the slightest scent up to the certain food we used to eat when we were children or with special people at a specific place.

Danao City Kasahos

This time my husband is craving for Kasahos. A dish he enjoys eating with his family in Danao City. The last time I remember eating Kasahos was 3 years ago.

Danao City Kasahos
Danao, a City in the northern part of Cebu is best known for gun-making (paltik). But with food, they are best known for their tinap-anan (smoked fish). Not so hidden delicacy is the Kasahos.

Marinated beef for kasahos or kusahos

Marinated beef ready to be sun-dried

Kasahos (beef or pork jerky), is thinly sliced, marinated with spices, sun-dried, and deep-fried beef or pork meat. Preparing a kasahos would take hours especially when the sun is shy, as one crucial process of making kasahos is to have it sun-dried (but I learned from nanay Netz that air-dried is as delicious as well).

Nanay Netz Kasahos of Danao City

Nanay Netz has been cooking Kasahos for over 40 years now. She learned it from her mother

Many would agree that Danao City’s Kasahos is among the best meat delicacy in Cebu. I believe what makes it special is the patience of preparing the dish. It would take a minimum of 4 hours if weather permits.

Bohol Kusahos
In Bohol, we have our version of Kasahos and we call it “Kusahos” the same way of preparation just one vowel difference.

Ready to cook dried kasahos

Sun-dried marinated beef

I enjoyed Danao’s Kasahos because it reminds me of the beautiful childhood memories of eating Kusahos in Bohol and watching my lola or uncle preparing it at home. Currently, no one in the family has prepared Kusahos and I have that huge inclination of wanting to learn how to make one. I am glad my uncle is still well and available to teach me how to prepare Kusahos.

deep-fried beef kasahos

I want to end this post by telling everyone to eat what makes you happy and give good memory.

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