Rating: 7.5/10
In my first few pages, I have ranted how annoying the lead character is and I’m afraid that I might DNF this book. But one thing I learn from reading the Ilustrado book by Miguel Syjuco is not to judge a book by the 1st hundred pages, so I continued and finish the whole book and I am glad I did.
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In one of my previous social media posts asking opinions from bookworms about the book 60% didn’t like it, 10% says it’s okay, and 30% love it. One of the comments says, “The lead character is annoying on the entire book but the story becomes really good” and I totally agree with her. Nora is still hopeless, weak, and lacks self-confidence but because of that, we are given lessons about life and how to live in general.
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The story will bring you to places from sunny warm Australia to one of the cold depressing arctic islands, but it doesn’t seem like you are traveling even with the narration of places. Instead, it will guide you to various life lessons.
Lessons to ponder:
• Parenting
• Decision making
• Living
• Regrets
• Purpose and meaning of life
• Self-acceptance
The huge part about the book is that every decision and indecision we make in life has its own consequences. How little it may be. And we can only live the life we want if we take the necessary actions today.
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Favorite Quotes from the Book
“A person is like a city. You couldn’t let a few less desirable parts put you off the whole. There may be bits you don’t like, a few dodgy side streets and suburbs, but the good stuff makes it worthwhile”
“Focus on where you want to go rather that where you have been”
“The only way to learn is to live”
“In the face of death, life seemed more attractive”
“Life isn’t simply made of the things we do, but also the things we don’t do”
“Most gossip is envy in disguise”
“If you aim something you are not, you will always fail. Aim to be you, aim to look and act and think like you. Aim to be the truest version of you”
More of my book musings and flexing
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