Pamanhikan: Bringing Back a Beautiful Filipino Tradition

If you are Filipino, you know what pamanhikan, pamayi, hatud, sayud is or at least have heard of it. But, what is really pamanhikan.

What is Pamanhikan?

Pamanhikan is a beautiful Filipino tradition, where a man and his family visit his future bride’s family in order to formally ask her hand for marriage and discuss the wedding plans.


What do I know about Pamanhikan?

The groom to be with his family and closest relatives and

January Challenge Update: A Great Way to Start the Year

Ten days before February will end and why the heck I have just updated you just now. Well because I am overwhelmed in doing a lot of things in which not really helpful with my productivity. Plus internet and power outages makes me work during the day instead of my regular working hours.

January Challenge Upadte

What I have realized in the past 2 months of my challenge and the current month challenge is that it is a

My Love to Share and Inspire

I believe that one of the things I am good at is communicating. I love talking to people and I love listening to them. I can go hours and hours talking and listening.

School Days
When I was in school my favorite part is reporting. I love speaking in front of the class or in front of the whole school. I love sharing to them the things that I learn during a seminar or the

December Challenge Update: Good Way to End the Year

Happy New Year!

Am I late with the greetings? well, it’s up to you.
This article is I know long overdue but thank you to my lazy schedule which is by the way is not an excuse so here I am writing my December update in the mid of January.

Let’s talk about how did I do with my December Challenge

Responsible Pet Owner Challenge
It was intense during the first and second week because

Live With and Without Challenge

Everybody wants to live a comfortable life. Who doesn’t? This is the reason why change is always difficult and why we tend to just live the way things used to be even if it means not good to ourselves.

Live With and Without Challenge is inspired by Leo Babauta’s A Year of Living Without article that motivates me to stop drinking soft drinks. Read here my article of 3 Years of No Soft Drinks.

3rd Year of No Softdrinks

November 25, 2013 when I decided to quit drinking soft drinks.

I was reading my favorite self help blog when I came across one article entitled A Year of Living Without. It is basically about giving up something every month. Giving up something is difficult especially if the thing gives you comfort and joy.

No to softdrinks

As I finish reading the article I realize that instead of giving up for just a month or a

Best Cebu Blogs Awards 2016

I am happier more than ever to be a part of Best cebu Blogs Awards committee. It is my 6th year and oh how gratfeul I am seeing the Cebu Bloggers community grow.

Best Cebu Blogs Awards 2016

How time fly so fast, 2016 marks the 9th Best Cebu Blogs Awards.
The awarding ceremony is on November 27, 2016. A week earlier than the usual ceremony dates. The venue is at Crown Regency Hotel and Towers – 6:00pm-9:00pm.

November 29,